Subj : Smoking To : Bf2k+ From : kk4qbn Date : Mon Jun 10 2024 08:20 am Re: Smoking By: Bf2k+ to kk4qbn on Sun Jun 09 2024 19:48:15 >> Suprising enough, My health problems did'nt start until I stopped smoking, >> and other lifestyle changes to try to benefit my health. It was a real >> shock to my body I guess.. took about 3-4 years to get my blood pressure >> and heart-rate stable. Bf> I quit in 2008 and other than the normal bs that goes with being a Bf> diabetic, I didn't really have any other issues. I never had I blood-sugar until after I quit smoking and drinking sodas, etc.. I'ts crazy.. All of it started less than a month after I stopped, But I had also stopped a long bout of an opoid addiction so I'm sure that may have had more to do with a lot of the health issues. Bf> My wife finally quit a little over a year ago. It was killing her. Less Bf> that three weeks after quitting, her face had completely changed and she Bf> looked much more lively and younger. She can't breathe anymore and she Bf> has gained about 20 lbs but I am just so glad she finally quit... I'm happy I stopped too.. It's crazy I tried and tried to stop smoking numerous times and never could, then one day I just had an epiphany that I was not going to die young and leave a good looking corps like I thought I was going to. That I was actually probably going to live a lot longer than I thought and I wanted my body to be able to keep up with my mind. After that I just could'nt smoke anymore. cigarettes tasted like crap.. I kept a pack in my pocket for a whole week just in case, but I just could'nt light another up. The opiotes were a little harder to come off of after so many years of use and abuse, it wasnt like I was getting high off them anymore, I was just maintaining. But I'm so happy to be off all that.. And sugary drinks too.. I stopped it all, all around the same time 4 years ago. To this day I still cannot stand to smell cigarettes and cant stand the taste or the consistancy of a soda, cannot believe I used to consume so much of that crap. --- Tim (kk4qbn) +o þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA .