Subj : Smoking To : TINY From : Dumas Walker Date : Thu Jun 13 2024 08:11 am > > When I was ~25, I went out for a while with a lady who smoked. I never > > could figure out how she did it but she never smelled like she smoked. I > > know she smoked outside often, but I also know she smoked in her car and in > > other indoor places (you could smoke in restaurants back then, for example). >I knew a women like that, she told me the trick is to hand sanatize before she >came >inside, as well as other washing tricks. Hand sanitizing wasn't a big thing back then. Washing was though. ;) I think she used a perfume or lotion that must have either got rid of it or covered it up real good. * SLMR 2.1a * Money is the root of all evil. Send $250 for more info. --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .