Subj : Current supported tools f To : Accession From : MRO Date : Tue Jun 25 2024 09:41 pm Re: Current supported tools f By: Accession to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Jun 25 2024 06:56 pm > Hello poindexter, > > On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:25:00 -0700, you wrote to me: > > Ac>> Believe they already have something like that in place in Fidonet in > Ac>> the Telegram related echo. Funny though, it's now just as dead as the > Ac>> rest of the echos there. Whoda thunkit? > > pF> So there's a Fido TELEGRAM echo and fido echoes ported to Telegram > pF> groups? I suppose I'm old-school, I prefer to talk about platforms on > pF> the platform in question. > > The FIDONET.TELEGRAM echo *is* ported to and from Telegram. There is only > one echo for it, as far as I know. > okay i found a bbs that carries it. Rusty Mailbox Telnet:// here is me talking. i had lightning bolts in my name so it shows up as ???? my name is mro1337 --begin--- telegram message #403 from ??????1337??? to All. Entered on 1st June, 2024 at 02:51, 4 lines. There are replies to this message. Subject: I dont know what the R)eply feature is =============================================== I dont know what the R)eply feature is ---end--- and this is my last post --begin--- telegram message #418 from ??????1337??? to All. Entered on 1st June, 2024 at 02:57, 4 lines. Subject: okay catch you guys later. I'm going to go do some yard work ====================================================================== okay catch you guys later. I'm going to go do some yard work ---end---- --- þ Synchronet þ ::: - free BBS services ::: .