Subj : Sig To : Zombie Mambo From : Arelor Date : Fri Sep 20 2019 03:12 pm Re: Sig By: Zombie Mambo to echto on Thu Sep 19 2019 03:21 pm > Thinking about getting some flavor of .45 but not for carry. > Maybe a 1911. I have heard some 1911s have weird grips that make aiming harder. But I got the info from a police manual from the 60s so it is likely outdated info :-) Everytime I play with the idea of getting a high caliber toy I see the prices of the high caliber ammo and go "yucks". Plus there are not that many competitions for that sort of thing so there is less of a reason to have one. --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .