Subj : Re: New 20 gauge?? To : echto From : Arelor Date : Mon Sep 23 2019 05:46 pm Re: Re: New 20 gauge?? By: echto to Gamgee on Mon Sep 23 2019 07:36 am > > Cheapest may not be what you want. You get what you pay for. > > Yeah, when it comes to something going bang in your hand you might now want > the cheapest. > I agree with the general idea, but on the other hand higher price does not automatically mean higher quality. My father has one of those cop show Berettas, I think it is one of those worth 900-1000 USD. It is not bad but my father has more malfunctions during competitions than me with that one. I have a "piece of junk" revolver from an obscure manufacturer that went bankrupt 30 years ago. The guy who sold it to me told me: "Its only good to put gypsy horse thieves on their knees and execute them point blank in the forest. If you hit anything at 25 meters with it you can consider yourself lucky". That thing costed me less than 200 bucks and only failed me once in a competition. The drum got stuck while reloading due to the heat so I had to close it by hitting it harder. I would not want to spend five seconds hitting the drum closed during a gunfight, but I am still getting better downtime that people with expensive guns. Spend smart, not hard. --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .