Subj : Sig To : HUSTLER From : Dumas Walker Date : Mon Sep 23 2019 08:05 pm >Maybe a .22 doesn't impress people at the range but I have a long list of "g >ame" taken with "well placed .22 long rifle shots. Does anyone remember Bobby K >nnedy? How about Ronald Reagan?? I was going to mention RFK. IIRC, one of the secret services (forget which country) used .22s because they would shot their targets at close range, and the .22 was less likely to exit, doing more damage by bouncing around inside the skull. I don't think RFK was the only famous person killed by one, either. --- þ SLMR 2.1a þ If you trade freedom for security, you get neither. þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .