Subj : Re: Slow times To : Moondog From : Zombie Mambo Date : Mon Oct 07 2019 10:50 am Re: Re: Slow times By: Moondog to echto on Thu Oct 03 2019 10:55 pm > Re: Re: Slow times > By: echto to Gamgee on Thu Oct 03 2019 10:47 am > > > > > > > You can never have enough ammo. :) > > > > Ammo might be the next thing to go after. Doesn't matter what you're > shooting if you have nothing to load it with. I think it was Seatle, WA put > a $.05 per round tax on ammunition as a public safety measure to make ammo > more expensive, however my understanding is this forced gun shop owners to > relocate their shops outside of city limits. Made me cringe thinking of wha > a bulk tub of 1440 rounds of .22lr would cost! The tax is almost as much as > the rounds! > That was a big fear when obama was elected. That is when i got my conceal carry permit. I remember being at the ATF bldg filling out my paper work and getting my license and being amazed at the # of people, many elderly, in there doing the same. All saying the same thing "I needed to get this before the president and the left make them illegal". Everyone was talking about how they wanted to outlaw Ammo, so then your gun would be useless. That's coming. There will be some sort of tax / background deal to buy ammo and only certain places will be allowed to sell it. They will make it impossible to get, and they will outlaw making your own. Whenever something bad happens, tehre will be a "shortage" and hiked prices, just like oil/gas. Some artifical controlling to explain the lack of supply for the demand... Just wait. Thanks, Zombie Mambo --- þ Synchronet þ +-=[ The Zombie Zone BBS * ]=-+ .