Subj : HR 5102 & S 2905 To : THE CURMUDGEON From : Dumas Walker Date : Mon Oct 21 2019 08:18 pm > Da> Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house > Da> voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or > Da> misleading claims since he took office. > that, my friend, is not an impeachable offense so nice try. There were a > itany > of charges brought against him and yes, Clinton was a habitual liar but hey > he probably was your guy. IIRC, what Bill got impeached for was purjury because he lied *under oath*, which is impeachable. People forget that. :) > He wasn't my first choice and he is bombastic to a huge degree but what he > is is a man constantly under attack for both his job and it's personal with > far too many in the left. His nature is not to stand and let people unduly > attack him and his family and I can understand that. Neither of the top running choices in the last election were my first choice but I believe my wallet is happier with this choice than it would have been with the other one, and it almost certainly shall be happier with that same choice than any of the 20+ others running on the "impeach Trump because we got nothing else" platform. --- þ SLMR 2.1a þ AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .