Subj : HR 5102 & S 2905 To : Nightfox From : DaiTengu Date : Fri Oct 25 2019 04:28 pm Re: HR 5102 & S 2905 By: Nightfox to DaiTengu on Sun Oct 20 2019 08:01 pm Da>> Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house Da>> voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or Da>> misleading claims since he took office. Ni> Bill Clinton still served his full term after his impeachment. Now they're Ni> trying to impeach Trump, but what's that really going to do? I've always been very anti-impeachment. It's not because I think Trump doesn't deserve it, he's demonstrated time and time again he doesn't have the country's best interests at heart. I've been anti-impeachment because Trump is a bumbling idiot who can't walk and chew gum at the same time. He hasn't demonstrated a single iota of political acumen, and just can't get anything done because he can't keep his stories straight. Someone will ask him about a thing, he'll spout off an opinion on it, then, after the more insidious actors around him drop their opinions in his ears, he'll change his tune and parrot what they say. He's a puppet president, but he's too ADD to keep on any one task for too long to do any real meaningful damage. Were he to be impeached, and if the Senate removed him from office, It's quite possible Mike Pence would become president. Now there's a guy who's actually competent, and has the ability to do real, horrifyng harm to this country in a way that Trump never could. DaiTengu .... His eyes are so bad, he has to wear contact lenses to see his glasses. --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .