Subj : Re: HR 5102 & S 2905 To : Nodoka Hanamura From : Moondog Date : Mon Oct 28 2019 06:29 pm Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905 By: Nodoka Hanamura to Moondog on Mon Oct 28 2019 04:45 am > > I'm no analyst, but the gun crime problem is clearly being tackled > incorrectly by the DNC. Probably because they have an ulterior motive to it > given how hard left it's become in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if > they're trying to take away firearms for the sake of trying to eventually > install a more restrictive nanny state like what we're seeing in the UK. > > Born too Early to experience the scene. > Born just in time to see it come back. > Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - > I don't think it's as much an ulterior motive as much as it is they believe they can solve societal issues that are in some cases as old as the history of man bu legislating against tools instead of violent behavior. The history of karate and related martial arts comes from a time when knives and swords were banned from private ownership, and we know that turned out. Even now some forms of karate that are not competition oriented are forbidden because they are intended to make sure your opponent does not get back up. --- þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - .