Subj : Re: HR 5102 & S 2905 To : Nodoka Hanamura From : Moondog Date : Tue Oct 29 2019 10:14 am Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905 By: Nodoka Hanamura to Moondog on Mon Oct 28 2019 10:56 pm > On 28 Oct 2019, Moondog said the following... > > Mo> I don't think it's as much an ulterior motive as much as it is they bel > Mo> they can solve societal issues that are in some cases as old as the his > Mo> of man bu legislating against tools instead of violent behavior. The h > Mo> of karate and related martial arts comes from a time when knives and sw > Mo> were banned from private ownership, and we know that turned out. Even > Mo> some forms of karate that are not competition oriented are forbidden be > Mo> they are intended to make sure your opponent does not get back up. > > You've got a good point, but with how I've seen the DNC act in recent years > makes me beg to differ that they have our nation's best interests in mind, > and that's not just limited to gun ownership. > > Born too Early to experience the scene. > Born just in time to see it come back. > Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - > Putting it that way, I have to agree. I think our founding fathers did a good job asking themselves what could go wrong, and factored in the ambition o f politicians. Our rights exist as roadblocks to prevent control over the populace to be disguised as creating progress. --- þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - .