Subj : Re: Slow times To : DaiTengu From : Zombie Mambo Date : Sat Nov 02 2019 09:08 am Re: Re: Slow times By: DaiTengu to Zombie Mambo on Fri Oct 18 2019 08:42 pm > Re: Re: Slow times > By: Zombie Mambo to Moondog on Mon Oct 07 2019 10:50 am > > ZM> That was a big fear when obama was elected. That is when i got my conce > ZM> carry permit. I remember being at the ATF bldg filling out my paper wor > ZM> and getting my license and being amazed at the # of people, many elderl > ZM> in there doing the same. All saying the same thing "I needed to get thi > ZM> before the president and the left make them illegal". > > ZM> Everyone was talking about how they wanted to outlaw Ammo, so then your > ZM> gun would be useless. That's coming. There will be some sort of tax / > ZM> background deal to buy ammo and only certain places will be allowed to > ZM> sell it. > > This was fearmongering put out by the right. Sure, I saw the idea tossed ar > > The vast majority of Americans are for common-sense gun laws. Universal bac > > DaiTengu > > ... Not ignorance, but ignorance of ingnorance, is the death of knowledge. > Totally agree but, the problem is there's too many crazy folks on the extreme left that, if in power, would actually start taking liberties away. They say it all the time. Why would they talk about confiscating "assault" rifles and stuff if they knew that the majority of Americans are for common sense, not extreme removal of rights? Because they are nuts and they want the votes of those like them. So both sides are politicising everything and responsible for the fear, lies, misleading half truths and crap they both spread. You can say it was fear mongering by the right, but according to what comes out of the mouths of the left, it doesn't sound so far from the truth. Thanks, Zombie Mambo --- þ Synchronet þ +-=[ The Zombie Zone BBS * ]=-+ .