Subj : Re: Boating accidents To : Nightfox From : Weatherman Date : Fri Nov 27 2020 01:09 am -=> Nightfox wrote to Weatherman <=- We>> So, I'm wondering... with Biden being the apparent next President We>> and with him promising a $200 tax on each semi-auto rifle and "high We>> capacity" magazines, will We>> the Coast Guard be up to the task of responding to all the expected We>> boating accidents? Just wondering.... BR>> I'm confused. What does one have to do with the other? We> Seriously? You are actually unaware of the "boating accident" trope so We> popular on the Internet and social media forums? We> How disappointing. Ni> I don't think I'm familiar with this "boating accident" thing you're Ni> referring to either.. Wow... Is it that you guys don't get out on the internet and social media much or have I simply accidentally stumbled upon the few thousands of people who acknowledge and utilize this trope on a daily basis? .... Got my tie caught in the fax... Suddenly I was in L.A. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 þ Synchronet þ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY .