Subj : Amazing To : VLK-451 From : Dumas Walker Date : Tue Dec 29 2020 02:35 pm >I do actually think that ultimately it's not the worst idea. If you limit civil >ans to pistol and shotgun calibers, you make it so that law enforcement has a r >nge and capacity advantage in any engagement, if ultimately you care more about >Law enforcement having an easier time killing citizens, even if they are crimin >ls, then you do about the ability for a citizen to defend themselves from any t >reat, forein or domestic. If you limit law-abiding civilans to pistols and shotguns, you don't necessarily give an advantage to law enforcement. Back when law enforcement first lost their advantage, it was because mobsters and outlaws had machine guns. My point being that most of the time they get in big shootouts with people who can outgun them, it is not your average civilian they are trading shots with, and making those guns illegal is not going to change that. >I don't think it's the worst idea, but I really don't like it. I would prefer s >me other alternative. Me also. * SLMR 2.1a * What do you mean, QWK?? It took me over an hour to read!! --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .