Subj : Re: Amazing To : Digital Man From : Weatherman Date : Wed Dec 30 2020 12:46 am -=> Digital Man wrote to Weatherman <=- > I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of > discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general > election. We are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the > Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on > this message base is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. DM> Not really. I've been hearing (and originally, believed) the alarm DM> bells over gun rights since the '80s. Meh. Don't get too worried about DM> it. Like abortion, it's a dog whistle that the politicians use to drive DM> people to the polls. That's it. They don't really care if you do or DM> don't own a gun, what kind of gun it is or what you do with it, they DM> just care about votes (well, and money, which buys votes). -- DM> digital man Wow, so then universal background checks for any and ALL transfers of firearms, including private sales and those to family members don't bother you. You don't see that as a backdoor strategy to actually create a national registry of firearms and their owners as a confiscation database. Quite interesting. Limits of the amount of ammunition that can be legally purchased on a per-month basis is not in ANY way limiting the rights of the legal firearm owner? Banning firearms because of purely cosmetic features like pistol grips or flash suppressors is absolutely reasonable in your mind, is that correct? You don't mind the limiting of magazine capacity of any kind of firearms, including handguns at all. If a person walks into a gun store and sees a certain number of highly desireable and collectible firearms and wants to add them to his collection but can't because there is a limit to the number of firearms an individual is allowed to purchase in the course of a month, he's just shit out of luck because he hit his quota earlier in the month. That's fine with you, right? Each and every one of these restrictions, and OTHERS, are currently active in various states in this country. The clear fact of the matter is this. If the Left wins the Senate there is nothing to block them from making these restrictions nationwide. Once they have sufficiently handcuffed (in all applicable meanings of the term) legal gun owners, they WILL begin to encroach on the other rights that the Second Amendment currently protects. The Second was passed to allow the populace to protect itself against the government. It has done so in the past, and the intent is to allow it to do so in the future. The assault on the First Amendment has already begun. The press is controlled by a single political party. Do you not see how that is wrong? Try, just TRY to express a conservative point of view on social media. You'll be squashed. Sorry, DM, but I disagree. There is a very real and very present danger to ALL of the rights afforded us under the Bill of Rights, and the ONLY thing that stops an all out assault on those rights are the rougly 100 million Americans who own the 390 plus million firearms in this country. Private firearm owners represent the largest military force this nation has ever faced. .... The more I see of people, the more I appreciate my dog. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 þ Synchronet þ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY .