Subj : Re: Amazing To : Gamgee From : Tyner Date : Tue Jan 19 2021 01:53 pm Re: Re: Amazing By: Gamgee to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 19:04:00 > > We> I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack > We> of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the > We> recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the > We> greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has > We> faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big, > We> fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment > We> has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do, > We> they'll come after the First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault > We> has already begun. After the First is gone, then you'll find > We> yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST > We> of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is > We> the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists > We> solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill > We> of Rights. > > Do you honestly believe that any of those Amendments are going to be > repealed? Do you know what is required to take place for that to > happen? > > For the record, I'm a staunch conservative, and hardcore supporter of > the 2nd Amendment. I have owned LOTS of guns, before they were all > tragically lost in a boating accident, of course. > > We> It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools > We> any more. > > You may be able to find a remedial class at your local community > college. Study up on what it takes to make (or repeal) a > Constitutional Amendment. Then, come back here again and tell us what > you think the odds of that actually happening are. Cheers! > > > > ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here. What I think is funny is that you believe they have to repeal an ammendment to render it useless. They've already suborned the first ammendment with all of this "hate speech" crap. Your speech is now officially only protected if it is a popular idea supported by the majority (or whomever the media supports). If they don't like what you say it is automatically labled hate speech and you're ostricized and eviscerated by the media if not convicted. I actually heard on the news that Trump supporters need to be reprogrammed. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak for me. --- þ Synchronet þ port 2332 .