Subj : Re: Breaking News To : MOONDOG From : Dumas Walker Date : Mon Aug 23 2021 05:05 pm > The other day I heard there were over 20,000 gun laws at the state level. > Instead fo creating new laws, I would advise they look at the exsiting laws > that are not working towards making people safe rather than create new laws > that hurt legal gun owners. Yes, but apparently it is easier for legislature critters to pass new laws rather than determine whether or not some law they already passed actually works. :( > The Second exists as part of our given right to > defend ourselves, and that's where it hurts me to hear folks who only believe > it was there because the founding fathers liked shooting squirrels or > punching holes in targets. Just because someone points out hunting doesn't mean that is the only reason they believe in 2A. Jumping on them for mention hunting is just as short-sighted as those who think 2A is out-dated. * SLMR 2.1a * A part of the 57% that -didn't- vote for Clinton. Twice. --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .