Subj : PMR 30 To : CHRIS From : JIMMY ANDERSON Date : Mon Sep 13 2021 02:42 pm -=> CHRIS wrote to MOONDOG <=- CH> By: Moondog to Gamgee on Sun Sep 12 2021 10:52 am CH> I am about to purchase a keltec pmr30 for the woodchucks hahahah. Ya i CH> remeber someone telling me good things about the dillon machines, I CH> think it will be one I'll look into. I only have a small area to do it CH> in due to my other hobbies hahahah. Would like to know what you think about the PMR... I have wanted a .22 mag auto loading pistol for a while. I was THIS close to picking one up when I learned a guy I go to church with has one. It's not for sale, but he let me shoot it. I enjoyed it a lot, and it 'ran good' - no problems for a little less than 100 rounds, but I decided it wasn't worth $400 to me to go out and buy one. But if I can ever pick one up for half that or less maybe... .... Aibohphobia, n. -- the fear of palindromes. --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52 þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Horn Lake, MS * .