Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : Weatherman From : Gamgee Date : Sat Jul 16 2022 03:30 pm -=> Weatherman wrote to Gamgee <=- DW> I really don't understand how someone like me can explain that to DW> someone who seems to be able to follow logic and seems to be DW> resonably intelligent, yet they won't understand it. IMHO, some DW> of them just think that guns are scary and we are better off with DW> less of them, but the "criminals don't obey laws" logic should be DW> equally as scary. Ga> Yes, it should be just as scary. What I honestly think is that those Ga> who think more gun laws will fix the problem is that they actually are Ga> NOT interested in fixing the real problem. What they are interested Ga> in doing is increasing the amount of control that they can have over Ga> another group of people. It's really very petty and selfish, but Ga> that's the actual truth. We> Those who the true power behind the push for gun control laws We> desire one outcome. They are seeking to disarm the American We> populace so that they may increase their power and influence over We> the general population. The Second Amendment is the protector of We> the entire Bill of Rights. Those who would impose severe gun We> restrictions upon us are the ones who desire to impose further We> limits upon our constitutional rights. Yes, full agreement on that. Many of them don't even bother to try and hide that fact as their ultimate goal any more. .... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .