Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : Weatherman From : Moondog Date : Sat Jul 16 2022 05:11 pm Re: Re: Gun Insurance By: Weatherman to Dumas Walker on Sat Jul 16 2022 01:53 am > -=> Dumas Walker wrote to TRACKER1 <=- > > DW> @MSGID: <> > DW> @REPLY: <> > DW> @TZ: c12c > > Realistically, if they *REALLY* wanted to cut down on gun violence, > > they'd be trying to outlaw handguns, not rifles (AR-15 etc) to begin > > with. The vast majority of gun violence and gun related crimes (armed > > robbery, etc) is done with a handgun... but those aren't the ones that > > typically make the headlines and are exceedingly rare. > > > Note: this is not an endorsement of the idea, just pointing out the > > ignorance and hypocrisy. > > DW> Yes, this is true. There are some cities that probably have a "mass > DW> shootings" worth of people, and then some, shot and killed each day by > DW> handguns. > > Suffice it to say more people are killed by handguns each year than by rifle > of any time. > > Suicides account for more firearms related deaths each year than any other. > Rifles of any type are seldom utilized in suicide attempts. > > The problem is not the gun. The problem is the cheapening of human life. T > cheapening of human life is a direct reflection of the society in which we > live. > > Regards.... > > ... The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 9.8m/s^2 Agreed. the best way to reduce gun violence is to go after the root of violence. If you take away the guns by themselves, the violent behavior wil continue. Handguns are interesting in that most folk are cool with them existing. I forgot which country it was, but the epople feared the militarisation of their police, so their police are prohibited from caryr rifles or submachine guns. Instead, their special response teams have pistols mounted in chassis similar to the CAA Roni that give them similar functionality to a rifle or sub gun. --- þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - .