Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : Dumas Walker From : Moondog Date : Sat Jul 16 2022 05:44 pm Re: Re: Gun Insurance By: Dumas Walker to MOONDOG on Sat Jul 16 2022 09:53 am > > He was in high school. From what I read, he was an outcast with a learnin > > sability and was picked on and had no friends. He had a frined he used to > > hang out with until the kid's family moved away. He was in his senior yea > > and the school would place pictures of the seniors on the light poles in > > town. Somehow his picture was left out. He received teasing about that a > > well. Sounds liek the kid had a shitty time in school, but that only > > explains why he might have snapped, but doesn't excuse it. he proabably > > picked the elementary school because it was an easy target. > > You are right, it does not excuse it. However, if I was one of those kids > that picked on him, I would be rethinking my ways right about now. > > As you point out in another message, even if some of the kids do rethink > their ways, it probably won't have a lasting affect. :( > > > * SLMR 2.1a * "End of quote. Repeat the line." - Biden Words of Wisdom > Along the lines of empathy of students among their peers, I recall there was always someone who had a crush on someone popular, whether it was the quiet barely noticable guy in love with cheerleader, or a girl crazy about an athlete or other popular dude. The attraction would vary from a quiet observation to what i refer to as stalker crushes, where they either try to find ways of initiazting contact or even worse, write long crazy letters about how they were destined to be together. One summer I was hanging out with a friend who had transferred from another school system, and he had a friend with him. I had mentioned how early in the day I went to a family reunion, and they asked if ther were any of my cousins they might've know at the other school. One of my cousins was the head cheerleader/ homecoming queen type, and it turned out my buddy's friend had one of those stalker crushes which ended terribly because a letter he write wasn't taken kindly. His friend became withdrawn and wouldn't even look at me. I wanted to ask for more details, but my firend said it was better to let sleeping dogs lay. I get the impression the response was devastating, and the dude went into serious depression over the rejection. The due wasn't ugly or creepy at all. He and my cousin had nothing in common and rolled with different cliques thaot didn't interact. My sister had her share of creepy stalker dudes that would come by the house looking for her. Some were harmless, but others had a serial killer vibe going on. The easiest way to get them to leave was tell them she is at her friend's house - the friend whose father was a state trooper. I'm not sure of my sister would've felt any sadness if something bad happened to them back then. She is a different person now, and I think she likes the attention. i noticed after I joined Facebook, she began friending several of my friends she would've never given the time of day to. Several were brothers and sisters of existing friends. --- þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - .