Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : Moondog From : Jimmy Anderson Date : Thu Jan 05 2023 01:02 pm -=> Moondog wrote to Gamgee <=- > The real problem is mental health, and the fact that so many are not > able to get treatment for their issues. Mo> It goes well beyond mental health. Crazy people are a minority of Mo> shooters when compared to organized crime and gang murders. What Mo> happened to the beliefs that life has value? THIS! Yes, mental health is AN issue, but not THE issue. When there is no santity of life, then ANY life is forfeit. I am a Christian and I believe we are all created in His image. As image bearers, we have value. If we really were just 'apes in skin' as evolutionists would have you believe, then what's wrong with the strong eating the weak? Life is precious! From the unborn up! .... Hookd on foniks wurkd for mee! --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Final Zone BBS - - .