Subj : Carry Pistols To : POINDEXTER FORTRAN From : Dumas Walker Date : Mon Feb 13 2023 04:46 pm > I can just see some town in the south where hillbillies who can't drive ecaus > of DUIs and can't own firearms because of criminal convictions go around on o > ds with pellet guns. LOL > (A while ago on one of the nets, someone was explaining the joke about seeing > peds locked up in front of a dive bar - apparently people who got too many UI > and had their licenses yanked started driving mopeds, which didn't need a riv > s license to operate...) I wonder if that is true everywhere. I thought that you needed a license for a moped here, but not needing one would explain a few things. :) * SLMR 2.1a * Buttblotting Fluid - The blue stuff on diaper commercials --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .