Subj : Re: Therapy To : Weatherman From : Jimmy Anderson Date : Thu Mar 09 2023 05:44 pm -=> Weatherman wrote to All <=- We> Went out for some trigger therapy a couple of days ago. First time Haven't shot in ages... Wife has had a lot of stress with work and her parents (aging and getting worse - she's an only child, so we spend a lot of time taking care of them). I COULD shoot in the winter without her, but more fun with a partner... We> shooting my IWI Uzi Pro. I've been looking off and on at IWI brand in general... You like? We> Man, it is STRANGE shooting a handgun with We> the rear sight BEHIND the grip. Very strange. Also had fun with the We> Sub-2000 and the M&P MDS. Was pretty much a 9mm sort of day... We each own SUB's as well - super fun! What's the MDS? We> Ummmm... up until the moment I pulled out the Raging Bull and started We> letting go with some .454. Never shot that with .454 at We> an indoor range before. Not sure I'll do it again either. LOL We> Did notice that after being out of practice for a couple of years my We> skills have We> diminished. Seems to happen faster in my 63rd year than it did in the We> past. Guess that means I just have to practice more. Darn! The hell We> of it! ;) LOL - yeah, back when I was shooting often, I found my accuracy was better on ALL the guns, but again been months... .... When a man brings his wife a gift for no reason... there's a reason. --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Final Zone BBS - - .