Subj : High CPU usage in sbbsNTsvcs To : Afsfigueiredo From : Digital Man Date : Fri Apr 09 2021 05:13 pm Re: High CPU usage in sbbsNTsvcs By: Afsfigueiredo to All on Fri Apr 09 2021 07:48 am > Hi ! > I've installed Synchronet 3.18 , and configured the FidoNet using Binkt . > Every time an event happens, the SBBS Services consumes more than 50% of the > system CPU ( i've even used a last-gen Core i7 as host, and the issue > persist ), now the VM is running on its official host a Dual Xeon 5460 based > server ( should be more than enough ) , the VM is set for 4 vCPU and 4GB of > memory. > I've tried using Windows XT, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 and now Windows > 2012R2 all had the same behavior, when it start a Binkt event it uses almost > all CPU available after finishing the exchange process. > Using the Process Explorer i see that the sbbsNTsvcs appears to be in some > kind of loop , on the Microsoft C Runtime > Start Address ucrtbase.DLL!_crt_at_quick_exit+0x20 ( this "loop" is using > the 50+ cpu resources according the process explorer ) > Restarting the comm services solves the problem until the next event get > into place. > Have anyone seen this kind of behavior ? or have any tips where i can > research/fix this issue ? No, that's not normal at all. This isn't the correct message area for Synchronet support questions, but in general: the log output from binkit should give you some indication of what's going on and the cause of the high CPU utilization. Dream Master mentioned a high CPU utilization issue with BinkIt recently, but then said he resolved it, though I don't know what the problem or solution was with any detail. -- digital man This Is Spinal Tap quote #11: Nigel Tufnel: No. no. That's it, you've seen enough of that one. Norco, CA WX: 75.8øF, 38.0% humidity, 7 mph NE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .