Subj : Gaming (Windows) PC: build or buy? To : Arelor From : Digital Man Date : Fri Jul 16 2021 02:02 pm Re: Gaming (Windows) PC: build or buy? By: Arelor to Digital Man on Fri Jul 16 2021 03:17 am > > I didn't want to spend that much, but seems like it'd last her several > > years without any need to upgrade (much). Thoughts? > > If you think 1600 USD is "that much" you have not seen what people is > spending in not-so-good gaming equipment. Oh, I have, but I try to make the dollars last. In the past, if it's not a laptop or all-in-one computer, I usually would build it out myself. Or reuse someone else's perfectly useful prefabbed e-waste. > For a computer intended for gaming, upgradability is the need a > moderboard into which you can plug "moar stuff" and "newer stuff". Otherwise > you won't be able to keep playing bleeding edge games with your setup in a > matter of a couple of years, at least with decent game settings. > > A rule of thumb for gaming gear is to see which game consoles game > publishers are targetting and try to have at least a bit better specs than > those consoles. The reason is that many game companies use mainstream > consoles as a spec reference. If the last Playstation is Playstation 20 then > you can bet triple AAA developers are assuming their specs are the base for > the current generation of games. > > The second approach is to scan the AAA game market in order to see which > requerinments modern games are demanding. If you can reliably match the > recommended requerinments for current games you can be sure that you will be > able to play any game with your rig up until the moment the current > generation of games ends. > > Current generation of games is coming to an end by the way: > > hen-xbox-series-x-and-ps5-launch The Costco/Dell system I referenced appears to exceed the "Next Gen Recommended System Requirements" on that web page by a pretty good margin. > Sorry I am not giving an opinion about your suggested configuration. I am > not that familiar with the current state of things. I hope my wall of text > gives you something to think about. Yes, appreciate the feedback. -- digital man Breaking Bad quote #23: Whiteboy's gonna kick your ass if you don't stop wasting his time. - Hank Norco, CA WX: 87.9øF, 36.0% humidity, 12 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .