Subj : Gaming (Windows) PC: build or buy? To : Nightfox From : Digital Man Date : Fri Jul 16 2021 02:17 pm Re: Gaming (Windows) PC: build or buy? By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Fri Jul 16 2021 10:21 am > DM> - NVIDIA GeForce RTS 3060Ti GPU w/8GB RAM > That PC seems fairly decent, and you're probably right that it would > probably last severla years without having to upgrade. And as far as the > graphics card, are you sure it's not RTX? Yes, that was a typo: RTX 3060Ti. "fairly decent"? It blows all the other computers in house away! Well, maybe not my 16-core 32GB Opteron system, but that's not a gaming system either. > If I were to build/buy a PC now, I might choose an AMD processor, as they > seem to have some really good processors right now and lower prices for > comparable (or perhaps even slightly better) performance & specs than the > comparable Intel processors. An AMD integrated graphics CPU (or "APU" they're sometimes called) or separate CPU and GPU? For example this HP system has a Ryzen APU: but I'm having trouble comparing the GPU performance of that system against, say, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti. -- digital man This Is Spinal Tap quote #18: Sustain, listen to it. Don't hear anything. You would though were it playing. Norco, CA WX: 88.0øF, 36.0% humidity, 9 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .