Subj : Re: skinnertoo v2.08 To : Brian Rogers From : Nightfox Date : Fri Aug 06 2021 10:49 am Re: Re: skinnertoo v2.08 By: Brian Rogers to Nightfox on Fri Aug 06 2021 09:36 am BR> Is Winamp still a popular app? I know it was around 20+ years ago as was BR> the original XMMS for Linux. Back then I had the #2 stream on shoutcast... I don't think WinAmp is nearly as popular as it used to be. I was still using WinAmp as one of my favorite music players for quite a while, but I stopped using it because it seemed that WinAmp lacked support for UI scaling. When I got a 4K monitor, WinAmp looked really tiny on it and was hard to read, so I stopped using WinAmp. I remember WinAmp's development stopped years ago, but I think perhaps development had been picked up again at some ponit.. I could be wrong though. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .