Subj : Re: Bleach Time! To : Ksource From : Nightfox Date : Wed Aug 18 2021 08:32 am Re: Re: Bleach Time! By: Ksource to MRO on Wed Aug 18 2021 03:28 am >> it's good msg network etquette to update your msg pointers and not >> reply to posts that are many months old. Ks> Well that's definitely not true. Reply to messages that are interesting Ks> and relevant, simple as that. God didn't come down from the heavens to Ks> tell people Thou Shalt Not Reply to Messages A Few Months Old. You're Ks> just making up useless etiquette rules where none exist. Yep. If someone wants to talk about a particular subject, would it be better to start up a new thread, even though it has been discussed before? And if you're just looking for information, a forum search is often a good thing to do, as there might be an old thread that can provide some useful information. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .