Subj : Windows 11 To : Nightfox From : Arelor Date : Wed Oct 20 2021 02:06 pm Re: Windows 11 By: Nightfox to Arelor on Wed Oct 20 2021 10:03 am > Re: Windows 11 > By: Arelor to MATTHEW MUNSON on Wed Oct 20 2021 07:13 am > > Ar> My policy is not to upgrade my hardware just because some shinny software appeared over the > Ar> horizon. Specially if I don't need the new software. Most often I can't justify the expense > > I heard Windows 10 will still be supported until 2025. So there's still some time. > > Nightfox > I couldn't care less. OpenBSD 7.0 got released recently and that is what I am upgrading stuff too. Yay! -- gopher:// --- þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .