Subj : Windows 11 To : DaiTengu From : Nightfox Date : Sun Oct 24 2021 07:28 pm Re: Windows 11 By: DaiTengu to Nightfox on Sun Oct 24 2021 10:35 am Da> Apparently I had an old, but still valid Stardock license. Start11 (which Da> is still in beta) replaces the start menu with a Win10, Win7, or even a Da> "Modern" style which is more like WinXP's layout but with a look that Da> matches your desktop. I have a Stardock Object Desktop license. I've used their Start10, but I've been using Classic Shell, which is free (though I think they take donations). I'm not sure if Classic Shell has been updated to support Windows 11 properly.. I'm using it in Windows 11, but I have both the Classic Shell button and the Windows 11 Start Menu button. I should check to see if Classic Shell has been updated. Da> For the record, Stardock's licensing is trash. and I'm only using this Da> because i foolishly gave them money a long time ago. I'll use it until I Da> can't, then I'll figure something else out. Weird.. I haven't had that issue. Stardock does a yearly license though, and one thing I don't like is paying a recurring license fee. But you can continue to use it after your license expires, but without getting any updates. Da> I'd love to switch over to pure Linux, but I have too many programs and Da> games that rely on Windows. Hell my Windows 11 install has multiple Linux Da> distros installed via W4L already that I use, and I have a half dozen Da> other machines in myself that run Linux or *BSD. What do you mean by "pure Linux"? Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .