Subj : How far I've come... To : COUGAR428 From : Rob Mccart Date : Fri Feb 10 2023 12:52 am RM> I told him to leave it to me and I'd find a way, and he did that > rather than trying to micro-manage how I did the work. I did manage it, > basically doing about 8 or 10 hours of production in 5 hours. CO>Sounds like you came through with the goods! That's great as long >as they don't expect you to do more with less as a rule of thumb. Yes, I think he was so amazed he decided not to question how I did it. I definitely wouldn't want to do that too often, nor could a lot of people if I'm being honest. The speed up involved things like ignoring the company policy of not lifting more than 70 lbs when dumping materials into a large mixer we used. That day I was working with up to 175 lbs. CO>I've gotten bitten by that dog a number of times. The boss sounds >like he trusted his people. He was good at letting you do what you were good at and not directly supervising unless there was a problem. Six months after I started working there he put me in charge of the quality testing lab, which required three years of training to do, but I'd started doing the work when he was out on sales calls and showing him the results when he got back and he realized that I was quite able to do it, admitted I was even fussier on quality than he was, so I got moved up a notch earlier than expected. Besides, he preferred the 3 martini sales calls to running the plant so he was happy to pass as much on to me as I could manage.. B) RM> In the end I stopped working for other people by the time I was 32. CO>Now there's the ticket! I wish I was as resourceful as you seem to >be. That was sort of accidental. I took a winter off between that job and the offer of a similar job at a major competitor at 50% more money where the job wasn't quite ready yet. They offered to take me on and 'find something for me to do' until the coming job opened up but I decided I was going to move anyways so, over a 2 month period, I sold two houses that I owned in the city and moved into my cottage until the fall and then took off for Florida for the winter. While I was there I got into investing the money from the house sales and found I was making more money than needed to pay the basic bills, so I decided to take some more time off.. and sort of never went back, other than part time jobs I set up, mostly to earn enough extra to keep me in fairly recent computers and other non-essential things, having the investment income paying the normal bills. BTW.. That was 36 years ago.. Now I also have a full pension added on so things are a Lot easier.. B) --- þ SLMR Rob þ ... and then my wife started cross-posting herself... þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .