Subj : Hobbies? To : All From : Nightfox Date : Tue Jun 11 2019 01:09 pm Re: Hobbies? By: Thumper to All on Tue Jun 11 2019 10:31 am Interesting to hear what peoples' hobbies are here.. I have multiple things I enjoy doing in my free time, but lately it seems I don't have a whole lot of time for hobbies. Sometimes here and there when I can. One thing I enjoy doing is working on some of my own software projects every so often. Often that includes my BBS tools (SlyEdit, message reader, etc.), but I've had other software projects I've worked on from time to time. A few years ago, I started working on an Android app to help track fuel economy.. The idea would be that when you go fill up the gas tank for your car, you'd enter the fill amount and distance you drove, and it would keep track of fuel economy over time (and could also track things like price paid per a gallon of gas, cost of gas for a mile driven, etc.). I saw that there were a lot of similar apps available, so I wasn't too motivated to finish it, but I got the underlying Java support code done.. The last part would be finishing the Android UI. I also like playing guitar and keyboards sometimes. That's something I haven't done a whole lot lately, but I still enjoy it. I also sometimes enjoy retro video game emulation and the ways that can be done, and tinkering with electronics (I like to build my own desktop PC when I upgrade to a new PC, etc.). Occasionally I've enjoyed building plastic model kits and flying my R/C helicopter, but I haven't done either of those for a long time. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .