Subj : Re: Various Things To : Vk3jed From : Daryl Stout Date : Sun May 31 2020 07:03 pm Tony, DS> Checked into the DRE net this is much quieter in DS> the region today compared to yesterday. Portions of Oklahoma, Texas, DS> and Louisiana, were again slammed by tornadoes. Vk> Didn't get the finger? ;P That's the Digital Radio Enthusiasts Morning Net. I should have made that clear...although checking into a net with pileups is a real PITA. Vk> Pleasant day today, managed to get the lawns mown. :) The grass has really grown here, for all the rain and storms we've had here this spring. Some models are showing possible remnants of a tropical cyclone here next weekend. V>... The House Was Clean Last Week...Sorry You Missed it!! DS> I resemble that remark. Vk> Hahaha :D When I get the urge to clean, I lie down, until it goes away. Then, I put "Get Well Soon" cards on the fireplace mantle, to make it look like I've been ill, and haven't been cleaning. Vk> ... Hey Dad, are we gonna stop for ice cream? Can we, huh? I should've had ice cream cake and Dill Pickle potato chips. But, you'd wonder about me eating pickles and ice cream. Daryl .... "42? 7 and a half million years and all you can come up with is 42?!" --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50 þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .