Subj : Re: Drone Usage To : JIMMY ANDERSON From : Daryl Stout Date : Sat Jul 04 2020 08:31 pm Jimmy, JA> Yep! Same here! Have too many interests and not nearly enough time. :-) That's the same thing with ham radio traffic nets...too many nets, and too little time. Back in 2006, I started a page on Echolink Nets...but several months ago, in noting that the nets page at had quite a bit of outdated info, I started a list of D-Star and D-Rats go with the Echolink Nets. Then, I added links to CQ100, DMR, D-Star HF, Hamsphere, and recently discovered "Christian Nets". The list is about evenly split between D-Star and Echolink Nets, with a few D-Rats nets for good measure. You can get a copy of it at -- it's the first entry on the page. There are nearly 150 nets in that file...if that doesn't satisfy these "net hoppers", nothing will. It got to be such a mad rush on checkins, that I'm on the air only for nets that I run, and a few selected other nets. If I can't run a net due to weather, internet, or health issues, I try to get someone else to take Net Control. But, for the others, if I don't feel like checking into them, I don't...and I don't lose any sleep over it. Daryl, WX4QZ .... Do not try to cure this ham. --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .