Subj : HOPE for the naturalized lawn.. To : Ogg From : MRO Date : Tue May 31 2022 12:53 am Re: HOPE for the naturalized lawn.. By: Ogg to All on Mon May 30 2022 10:39 pm > "Instead of a manicured lawn and garden, Beth and Craig > Sinclair planted 150 trees and other native plant species in > front of their bungalow. The couple, who moved to Smiths Falls > from Seattle about a decade ago, said natural lawns like theirs > are common in their former city." where i live the houses are all on hills and there's a lot of elderly people. so they have these wildflowers and other weird stuff grow on their hills and back yards so they dont have to cut grass. meanwhile i cut grass twice a week sometimes. my neighbor's backyard really sets off my allergies. it makes me feel like total crap and most medications make me feel just as bad. i'd rather cut grass. THAT yard that those people have is just plain ugly as hell. i don't blame neighbors for complaining. --- þ Synchronet þ ::: - free BBS services ::: .