Subj : Re: Running linux in vm on li To : Android8675 From : Nightfox Date : Thu Oct 25 2018 05:08 pm Re: Re: Running linux in vm on li By: Android8675 to Nightfox on Thu Oct 25 2018 02:13 pm An> only difference between a 68k and PowerPC was 16-bti vs. 32-bit, the An> changet o Intel was significated because the Intel CPU wasn't compabible An> with 68k/PPC code which is why for a while OSx could run on both CPUs An> until they had enough of an Intel base that they phased out support for An> Motorola CPUs in 10.5.x (Leopard I think). hmm, I always thought the transition from 68k to PowerPC was also significant because the PowerPC used a different instruction set. I've always heard Apple had to use emulation to be backwards-compatible with 68k. "Perhaps the most important feature of the new Power Macs was Apple's inclusion of a 680x0 emulator as part of Mac OS, which allowed PowerPC Macs to run most existing software efficiently on the new processors, much as Rosetta would later allow Intel Macs ro run PowerPC software." An> Apple has never been one for Windows, and at this point I don't think it Since they transitioned to Intel, they (or at least, Apple users) have always advertised the ability to run Windows as an advantage though. An> matters what CPU the platform runs on. Also, doesn't Win10 run on ARM An> CPUs? I used to love Apple systems, now they are just sealed bloatware. I've heard Microsoft has been working on a version of Win10 that runs on ARM, but I don't know of any such devices on the market yet. I thought it was still in development, and that PC makers were still working on ARM-based Windows devices. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "sealed bloatware"? People often say Apple Macs don't include all the bloatware that is usually installed on Windows systems from major PC makers. I think the CPU does matter, at least to some extent, because changing the CPU that the system runs on would require an emulator for a period of time until their software is updated to run natively on the new CPU. And some applications might never get updated. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .