Subj : Re: Helen OS To : Mortifis From : paulie420 Date : Sun Oct 11 2020 12:00 pm Mo> > > This is an interesting os to try under a RaspBerry Pi, Mo> > > altough if it had an audio player and a ssh/telnet client Mo> > > plus a supported wireless driver, it would be enough Mo> > > for my dailt tasks. Altough today a lot can be done Mo> > > with a Wifi232 and a FPGA implemented retro machine. Mo> Mo> > I prefer Raspbian myself. Mo> Mo> ya, I figure if one has an rpi they might as well use raspbian os ... Mo> hell, I even use raspbian pc on my x86_64 :-o Mo> Mo> ~Mortifis I use Raspberry Pi's for many things around my home network. I haven't seen or tried HelenOS; but it seems like theres many new, niche OSes popping up for RPi's that... IMO aren't very worthy; however I don't know HelenOS. Raspian is always the best for building something specific you need; whether you use the GUI or lite version. If you're into retro gaming, or are coming from x86 systems and aren't wanting to embrace the ARM side, I would REALLY suggest TwisterOS. It is an OS built with the end goal of making box86 (x86 emulator for ARM systems) better on the Raspberry Pi... So, sorry to hijack the thread BUT for RPi's I really would suggest: Raspian/Raspberry Pi OS - If you're trying to embrace/learn/build on the ARM platform.. TwisterOS - If you're into retro gaming, or less interested in ARM stuff... it has x86 support right on your RPi. --- I haven't played with DietPi... which might be nice for specific Pi Zero builds... does anyone suggest it to built things from the ground up with only the stuff you need? |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .