Subj : USR USB Modem woes To : deon From : Ted Long Date : Sun Jan 29 2023 11:35 am Re: USR USB Modem woes By: deon to Ted Long on Sun Jan 29 2023 10:58 pm Thanks for the response Hotplug is detecting the modem....(cutcutpaste...) Bus 001 Device 006: ID 04c1:3021 U.S. Robotics (3Com) 56k Voice FaxModem Pro And the kernel is assigning it to abstract (virtual) port /dev/ACM0....the modem apparently is seeing activity on the port, because when I plug in the USB cable, the data and CTS/RTS LEDs flash for a second. But there's no response to an AT command when sent from Minicom. I'm about ready to break out the 'scope or a logic probe to see if any data is actually being sent to the modem. What should I try next? 73 de K4TML --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .