Subj : Re: USR Modem...I kicked it's little butt! To : All From : Nelgin Date : Wed Feb 15 2023 02:05 pm On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 10:48:25 -0800 "Ted Long" wrote: > Re: USR USB Modem woes > By: Digital Man to Ted Long on Sun Jan 29 2023 01:01 pm > > Problem solved...finally! > > > Got it licked, Rob! > > Went back over the few docs I could find online for the modem, and > carefully re-read all the manpages for the getty programs. Then > removed all the getty stuff, reinstalled minicom, and compared the > /etc/.config files with everything i had printed out from the > previous installation. Then I noticed some fine print in the online > docs for the modem..."some UNIX systems capable of assigning virtual > serial ports may identify the modem as /dev/ACMn, or /dev/ttyACMn", > So I changed the serial port ID to /dev/ttyACM0. The modem shot "OK" > right back. Got a friend with a modem to call the BBS phone line, and > he was able to connect at 56k down and 28.8k up. Now comes the fun > part...setting up Synchronet, loading some files, and getting SMTP, > QWK, and DDNS working. Thanks for the help, all! I'll probably be > bugging sysadmins with silly noob questions as work on the BBS > continues. I missed the bit where you said you were running getting. You don't want to do that on a dial out tty. getty provides the login prompt and interface to the authentication system. If you're trying to dial out it could see that as a login attempt and start writing all over your dialout. Glad you got it working anyway. -- End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX telnet 23 --- þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - .