Subj : For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor? To : DaiTengu From : Accession Date : Fri Jun 07 2024 07:11 pm On Fri, 7 Jun 2024 05:38:42 -0500, you wrote: Ac>> Shit, plenty? Maintaining one Gentoo box is an exercise in D> futility. :) D> Meh, I've been using Gentoo for probably 20 years at this point. It D> has its quirks, but no distro has taught me more than Gentoo has. I used it for about 5 years when I first started. I actually _chose_ to use it when I wanted to learn and transition to Linux. Boy was I a glutton for punishment, back then. However, I agree with you there, as far as no distro has taught me more than Gentoo, also. All the sleepless nights fixing what 'emerge -avuDN world" did to me after compiling all night (and sometimes half of the next day, too) to install and/or upgrade packages. :) I think once the main Gentoo guy left and Funtoo started, I started messing with Sabayon a little bit (Gentoo with a binary package manager? It was like a dream come true). Eventually, moved to Archlinux. D> modern CentOS (The ones labeled "Stream" ) are a far cry from what it D> used to be. It was designed to be a rock-solid super-stable D> enterprise-grade OS. Rocky Linux has taken its place, literally. Rocky Rolling releases have been super popular. I'm surprised they haven't done anything like this sooner, to be honest. I get it, keep your flagship "rock-solid super-stable enterprise-grade OS", but it almost seems now like it's a little too late. Ac>> Whatever you're comfortable with, I say go for it! D> Pretty much. I'll still make fun of people who use Macs, though, any D> chance I get. I mean, why not? They only did it to themselves. :) Regards, Nick .... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway. --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1) þ Synchronet þ _thePharcyde telnet:// (Wisconsin) .