Subj : Current supported tools f To : Denn From : Nightfox Date : Fri Jun 21 2024 01:25 pm Re: Current supported tools f By: Denn to MRO on Fri Jun 21 2024 11:09 am De> We don't quote on purpose, You and your brother and your OCD on quoting is De> way over the top. I don't really understand this.. In a text-based environment, it can be difficult to follow the conversation if you don't quote what you're responding to. If the reader doesn't remember what you're responding to, they'd have to go back over who knows how many messages to find the message you're responding to. Also, if you're only responding to a small section of the message, it can be especially good to quote just that part of the message. It's just good etiquette. If you don't quote, then you shouldn't be surprised to get negative responses about it, or no responses at all. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .