Subj : Re: Smalltalk/Self To : hseiken From : Deavmi Date : Sat Sep 16 2017 09:59 pm On 2017-09-13 02:28 AM, hseiken wrote: > Hi all. Anyone here into Smalltalk or Self as a language/playground for > code? I'm a noob on them, but I have to say, it really changes the way you > think about not only programming but how you think about programming. Plus > they're kinda fun to just tinker with, more-so than a text editor, imho. > > Anyway, just throwing feelers out there, seeing if all the Smalltalkers and > Selfies are hiding out in bbs land maybe..since there aren't a whole lot of > them out in internet land. > > Peace. > Show me some example code please. Played in smalltalk once, maybe now I will understand it - it will probably make sense now. Will have to take a look at it again though. --- * Synchronet * KK4QBN - - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA .