Subj : Re: What is your preferred editor for scripting or quick editing? To : poindexter FORTRAN From : Nightfox Date : Mon Sep 18 2017 01:11 pm Re: Re: What is your preferred editor for scripting or quick editing? By: poindexter FORTRAN to Deavmi on Sun Sep 17 2017 10:32 am PF> I used PINE for years, so PICO/NANO are second nature to me. I usually use PF> vi for config files and NANO for everything else. At one of my old jobs, we worked in Linux and I got fairly good with vim. I had it customized with some color schemes for various programming languages and had some macros configured in it that I thought were handy (inserting Doxygen comments above function decalarations, removing extraneous whitespace in a document, etc.). I got fairly used to vim, but I haven't used it a whole lot since that job. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .