Subj : Language to Transition To From BASIC? To : Jagossel From : Nightfox Date : Tue Jul 03 2018 05:19 pm Re: Language to Transition To From BASIC? By: Jagossel to All on Tue Jul 03 2018 07:13 pm Ja> I am trying to write a program using FreeBASIC and I hit a limitation that Ja> causes me to consider another langauge to get past said FreeBASIC Ja> limitation. The program that I'm writing is a DOS program and a side Ja> project. At the moment I have two options available: C++ (either DJGPP or Ja> Open Watcom) or Free Pascal. Ja> Any recommendations for someone who's used to BASIC in DOS? I have no Ja> plans of using graphics, the program is only going to be in text mode Ja> only. I haven't programmed in BASIC in a long time, but several years ago I was looking for a C++ compiler to use for DOS. I seem to recall that Open Watcom's DOS compiler had support for more recent C++ than other DOS C++ compilers (I still don't think it supported C++11, but still a fairly recent variant of C++). Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .