Subj : Re: Python To : Nightfox From : Mortifis Date : Sat Dec 15 2018 11:44 am > Re: Re: Python > By: Kirkman to Nightfox on Tue Dec 11 2018 09:26 pm > Ki> This is something I love about Python, personally. > Ki> Make sure you don't mix spaces and tabs for indentation in your code, > Ki> or Python will likely complain. > I like that it helps keep code consistent, but one downside that bugs me is > that text editors often assume you want to continue your indented code block > in Python, and Python doesn't use curly braces, which text editors often use > with other languages to know when you're done with a code block. In other > languages, text editors can even know you're done with a one-line block of > code without curly braces since that's how other programming languages work. I keep running into unexpected indent or unexpected unindent when using nested loops and such, which is obviously my lack of understanding of Python. Another problem I keep running into is, for example, x = x + 1 or x += 1 ... syntax error. I won't paste my troubled code but Python is definitely a finicky language --- þ Synchronet þ The Empty Keg BBS Lake Echo NS Canada .