Subj : Re: Turbo Pascal/C TCPIP Library To : Charles Blackburn From : Digital Man Date : Fri Sep 16 2022 08:59 am Re: Re: Turbo Pascal/C TCPIP Library By: Charles Blackburn to Digital Man on Fri Sep 16 2022 06:42 am > Re: Re: Turbo Pascal/C TCPIP Library > By: Digital Man to Charles Blackburn on Thu Sep 15 2022 17:45:45 > > DM> You can, yes. But more advanced door (e.g. those that save state > DM> information to files), would be better written using COM > DM> I/O so that the door program can detect user disconnect and handle that > DM> gracefully (e.g. save state information to files). > DM> Most traditional door games, for example, are written using COM I/O. > > COM I/O would be opening uarts etc? how would that go with a telnet > connection? Just fine so long as you're using Synchronet for Windows. It has a built-in virtual UART and FOSSIL driver on Windows, for just this purpose. And on Linux, sysops use DOSEMU for this purpose. > I know in linux it's pretty much just a pipe but ?? Not for a 16-bit DOS program. > got a ton to read lol > > >> i dont do anything fancy text wise i should be good. > DM> Fancy text is not a problem, stdio, or otherwise. > > oooh curses maybe ? Perhaps, but I don't think you'll find a curses implementation for TP. > DM> Yes, the standard "drop files" contain that information. If you use a > DM> door development kit (and there are many of them), > DM> they handle these details for you (opening/reading the drop files, > DM> sending ANSI when appropriate, abstracting the reading > DM> and writing to the serial/COM port). > any particular one i should go get ? Try a bunch of them. OpenDoors is probably the best one for C/C++. For Pascal, I think there are a ton of options (door devkits), but 16-bit DOS or native (32-bit) is the first big fork in the road for you to decide. -- digital man (rob) Synchronet "Real Fact" #98: Synchronet v3.12a was released on December 31st of 2004 (Rob's birthday) Norco, CA WX: 63.6øF, 93.0% humidity, 0 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .