Subj : RE: Pandemic To : HusTler From : KrUpTiOn Date : Fri Dec 04 2020 02:14 pm On 10/13/2020 3:47 pm HusTler said... Hu> > Does anyone think that pandemic has religious implications or a part Hu> of some Hu> Hu> No. and it's not the end of civilization and nobodys getting punished. Hu> Well a 'few' are getting punished. the people catching COVID-19! I've had it TWICE. March and July. first time I caught it, I wasn't that bad. the second time, it put me in the hospital. --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.12-beta (linux; x64; 12.19.1) * Origin: cortex (55:1/101) .