Subj : RE: Pandemic To : KrUpTiOn From : Derision Date : Tue Dec 29 2020 12:55 pm Re: RE: Pandemic By: KrUpTiOn to Arelor on Sun Dec 13 2020 06:57:04 > I've been shot AND stabbed, and dealing with Corona is the next worse. It's > a mind fuck when you take 4 steps and you can't get enough air. > > Ar> Still it is prety weird, because despite the virus causing weird > Ar> immunitation, getting it twice in less than 30-60 days is disturbing. > > Exactly! The second time I got it, it was my fault. I didn't know you could > get it twice, and I wasn't being as careful as I should. > > No, different strain. First time I got it from a 'Friend with benefits, her > cousin, who is a state worker, had it, didn't know. She stopped by to > actually TELL me and my friend she just took the test for work. She called 3 > days later telling us she had it. i gave it to my BFF and his daughter, > before *I* found out. I felt really bad I work at a not-for-profit agency that cares for adults with developmental disabilities. Normally I'm primarily IT, but due to a staff shortage (either people being out sick or opting not to come in to avoid getting sick) I've been deployed a bunch of places to either cover direct care shifts or deliver supplies. Also one of the people that is trained to perform testing on individuals and staff. We've seen a really weird lack of pattern in the spread. Many of our individuals do not understand why they're supposed to wear a mask, or isolate, and you'd expect entire group homes to go down but they aren't. I've had a couple of employees tell me that after three days of fever, they felt better than ever and actually had more energy than normal despite being actively infected and with underlying conditions. Other, seemingly healthy, employees have contracted it and died within days. None of our disabled population have died; many have contracted it and the main symptom aside from fever seems to be loss of smell -- and of course boredom. It seems pretty easy to NOT contract it, however, when following basic safety protocols. Wear a mask, wash your hands... though on the other hand, individuals that are not following protocol,l and are actively interacting with housemates that have it sometimes get it, and a lot of times don't. COVID is a weird disease, and I imagine that we're only seeing the beginning of this even now, almost a year in. --- þ Synchronet þ Amiga City - The BBS for the Amiga - more than 4,000+ files .