Subj : RE: Pandemic To : Ian Fitzgerald From : DaiTengu Date : Thu Jan 14 2021 02:00 pm Re: RE: Pandemic By: Ian Fitzgerald to Arelor on Tue Jan 12 2021 09:41 pm >> Polyethylene Glycol is a powerful anti-freezer that is used in >> thermosolar IF> h >> generators. Here in Spain we used to use either that or Ethylene >> Glycol. Als used in the cosmetics industry mecause it makes creams >> more consistent. >> It is toxic as heck and classified as a dangerous substance. If you >> need to dispose of it you need to hire a toxic waste disposal firm. IF> That may be true for certain quantities, but polyethylene glycol is also IF> used as an over-the-counter laxative. IF> All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone IF> makes it so a thing is not a poison. IF> -Paracelsus That's why poisons are often measured based on LD50 (The amount of a material, when given all at once causes the death of 1/2 of the group of test subjects) The LD50 of water is 6 Liters. Caffeine is around 150-200mg per kg of body mass. (75-100 cups of coffee for an average adult). Alcohol is ... strangely difficult to find an accurate amount for. a BAC of 0.4% appears to be the general consensus, which would be about 12 shots of 80 proof liquor for a 150lb man. After figuring that out, I really think I should have purchased more lottery tickets when I was younger... DaiTengu .... Da trouble wit computers is, dey got no sense of humor. --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .